IPEN’s World-Renowned Placenta Remedies Training Program
IPEN is Europe's leading placenta remedies training program since 2009, created by Lynnea Shrief, IPEN Founder and first in the UK to provide professional placenta encapsulation services to new mothers in 2008.
IPEN Placenta Remedies Training and Certification is a 4 Part program combining an interactive online theory learning portal, online food safety and infection control certification a workshop and self assessment course work. Due to current COVID-19 Social Distance Restrictions our Part 3 workshops have now been moved on-line, Part 3 will be a live interactive workshop hosted by 2 instructors, we are confident that you will still have the best possible learning experience from the safety of your own home. You will receive full training to learn to make and prepare Placenta Remedies using the IPEN method to the UK's high food safety standards and 6 months of mentoring through self assessment coursework submissions along with all of our essential client care and business management documentation, business directory listing and accesses to a supportive facebook new learners group. Because we are passionate about our training and your journey as a Placenta Remedy Specialist once you are fully certified you also be able to attend free refresher training workshops as and when you feel you would benefit from doing so.
Hands-on-Training workshops have temporarily been moved to live on-line training days due to COVID-19 Social Distancing Restrictions. We are very confident you will still have the same world class learning experience IPEN has been offering for the past 10 years.
Is IPEN Placenta Remedies Training right for you?
take our personality test below...
If the following personality traits describe you, we believe you'll make an excellent addition to our network of IPEN Certified placenta remedy specialists. This job isn't for the faint hearted...you'll need to be flexible, reliable, organised, professional, nurturing and meticulously clean. We know that's a lot to expect of one person but we also know these types of people exist because we've already trained over 350 extraordinary women and men around the world. Are you ready to join the team?
- You immediately click on birth videos that pop up on your social media feeds.
How could you possibly skip a chance to see and feel the love of a family inviting their new baby into the world...it gives you goosebumps every time and there's a pretty good chance you'll shed a few tears too. - Your friends, family and even acquaintances know they can rely on you when they are in need.
You offer to support others regularly and it is genuine. You go out of your way to help those you love and care for, you'll even go further for strangers at times, because that's just who you are. - You've always thought there was something magical and special about the placenta, even though you may have never said it out loud before, you are now ready to shout about it from the rooftops to anyone who will listen.

- You are practical and resourceful and can easily adjust to a 'change of plans'. When the task at hand is in need of organising and 'on the spot' planning you are just the person to rely on to ensure the job gets done efficiently and on time.
- You have the urge to take on a new project, to dedicate time and energy to something special, to follow a new path of discovery and you know this path is calling for you, all you need to do is take the first step.
- Finding a career that offers a fantastic work life balance as well as job satisfaction is important to you. Wanting to make a positive impact is why you are choosing to work in an industry which brings rewards greater than just paying the bills. Stepping out of the rat race and falling asleep with a smile on your face knowing 'you did good' is priceless.
"I really love your passion for the placenta..."
“I really love your passion for the placenta and I hope that I can spead that passion when I am working and provide a service that reflects IPENs nurturing ethos which I love. I think that is what sets IPEN so highly in comparison with Placenta Benefits and other companies; such a personal, friendly service is what is most needed for new mums straight after birth.”
“It was a lovely day in a very friendly atmosphere. I felt both the theory and practical session were very good, the course material easy to understand and very comprehensive.”
“I just wanted to tell you how excited I am about everything that we learned yesterday. I thought the day was so informative and personal at the same time. I have been on training courses before where people were trained en masse and it just felt like a money spinner rather than meeting dedicated people who are passionate about the same goal. Thank you so much!”
"I found it very interesting and throughly enjoyed doing the training and was excited to complete all the 3rd party training too. I found the hands on training day great. And was very excited to become a placenta remedies specialist once I had my first encapsulation completed and my assignment done. I am delighted to be part of an amazing group of women who offer this service to new mom's! Xx"
Are you in the UK?
The Food Standards Agency requires all food businesses to register with their local authority 28 days BEFORE opening a new food business. Registration is free and cannot be refused. If you plan on preparing placenta remedies for your clients in your own home, a designated preparation space or professional kitchen, IPEN strongly advises you to read this page of the FSA website, contact your local authority and speak to an environmental health officer to discuss the registration and inspection process in detail.
Previous training and experience in pregnancy, birth or post-natal support is advantageous. We do not provide any form of birth training therefore a basic knowledge and understanding of the importance of natural birth and holistic health care is an important prerequisite for this course. If you are not currently working in the birth industry but feel passionately that a career as a placenta remedy specialist is for you, please contact us so we can decide if you have a suitable knowledge base to begin IPEN’s training program, please get in touch by filling in the training application form below.
Health and Safety
Of utmost importance in our service as IPEN Placenta Remedies Specialists is our knowledge and awareness surrounding infection control and food safety. You will be handling human tissue and preparing it for consumption, potentially exposing yourself to bloodborne pathogens and dealing with the risks associated with cross-contamination. By following the IPEN training program and becoming additionally certified in food safety and infection control, you will be fully equipped to keep you, your clients and your family safe. We work with human placentas donated from mothers for practical training.
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What to expect from our program...
Part 1 – Online Theory
IPEN offers an interactive online theory program providing you with in-depth knowledge about the placenta and placentophagy, extracted from credible and referenced sources including research papers and medical journals. Essentially, our Part 1 program is a compilation of all the information, research, knowledge, know-how and expertise collected and organised by IPEN and its many experienced placenta specialists over the last 9 years. Our modern learning program allows you to login and logout when you need, includes ongoing assessments and tracks your progress throughout. You will have 120 days online access to the content allowing you to learn at your own pace. The learning material will give you the skills needed to answer questions about the anatomy and physiology of the placenta, history of placenta consumption, modern uses for placenta, benefits of placenta remedies, contraindications to placentophagy, safe practice, client care, food safety and so much more. Our theory program has 8 units with a total of 42 different subjects of learning material. You will also be expected to complete a 1-1.5 hour multiple choice exam at the end of the course to ensure you understand and comprehend all of the learning material. You must pass the exam in order to move forward to Part 2.
Part 2 – Additional Online Certifications
Certificates in Food Safety, Infection Control and HACCP Level 2
To work safety and professionally as a placenta remedies specialist, you must hold certificates in food safety, infection control and HACCP Level 2. These 3 online courses will ensure you meet UK requirements for food handlers as well as the ability to implement and operate a functioning HACCP in your working environment. Furthermore, you will have an excellent understanding of your legal obligations as a food business and a person with regular human blood exposure, the techniques for undertaking an infection control risk assessment and maintaining a hygienic working environment, including how to ensure the correct hand washing procedure is followed.
You will be provided links to these online courses during Part 1.
AUSTRALIA - links to Australian based food safety and infection control courses will be provided to all trainees in the Aus and NZ area.
Part 3 – Learn Exactly How to Prepare 5 different placenta remedies using the IPEN method. view dates
You have as much time as you need to complete Part 1 (120 days), however Part 1 and 2 of IPEN’s training program MUST be completed before starting Part 3.
You will learn exactly how to prepare 5 different placenta remedies in your own home or client's home.
You will learn how to safely prepare placenta
smoothies, capsules, tinctures, essences and placenta infused body oil using the IPEN Method.
You will also be shown key skills in client care, client bookings, safe placenta storage and transport, managing a safe working environment, disinfection of surfaces and equipment procedures, equipment maintenance and control and how to incorporate the IPEN Client Care Portfolio into your working practice.
You will receive a 50 page IPEN workshop manual filled with step-by-step recipes and photo guidance, IPEN client care guidelines, IPEN preparation protocols and important placenta handling and storage safety information.
supporting you supporting your client...
IPEN Client Care Portfolio and free refresher training - Included in the price of our training package for new trainees from January 2020.
At IPEN we put clients first by supporting you to support your clients from day one. We will provide you with with five essential client care documents to help you begin working as a placenta specialist straight away.
These documents have three important purposes:
- to ensure your clients and their birth care team are fully informed on the safe handling and storage of her placenta.
- to provide you with consent to process her placenta as well as answers to important safety questions.
- to help your business keep documents and up-to-date records relating to your procedures and implement monitoring systems ensuring your business meets food safety regulations.
The IPEN Client Care Portfolio includes:
- Client Booking Form
- IPEN Placenta Container Label
- IPEN Safe Placenta Storage
- IPEN Appropriate Placenta Care
- IPEN Placenta Collection Statement
- IPEN Food Safety Management System
Part 4 – Self Assessment Coursework & Mentoring
You are required to present self assessment coursework describing your services in detail to your IPEN Instructor within 6 months after completing Part 3. You will submit for review a detailed description of your processes, feedback forms from your clients, completed food safety documents and photographic evidence of your food business procedures.
IPEN's Director Donna Taylor will be available as needed to mentor and support you through your first 6 months as a placenta specialist. She will answer your questions, give you advice, share hints and tips for different situations and provide you with friendly encouragement and inspiration to help you reach your goals.
Training for Life
It's incredibly important to us that you always feel confident in your work as a placenta remedy specialist so once you have trained with us you will be free to attend additional workshop days either in our on-line interactive workshops or in person once convid-19 social distancing restrictions are lifted, free of charge. If you attend an in person workshop you will just need to cover the cost of your refreshments and PPE. This is opened to anyone that trained in 2019 onwards.
Refresher training for pre 2019 Learners
If you have previously trained with IPEN and would like to fresh your knowledge and recieve all of IPEN's most up to date client care and business management documentatation please email training@placentanetwork for more information.
The 4 parts - Costs & Application
Announcing our New Payment Plan - you can now pay as you learn.
Part 1
Online theory training
£150 incl. VAT payable to IPEN
Part 2
Three online courses in food safety, infection control and HACCP
Price: combined cost £70 + VAT (roughly £99 incl. VAT) payable to third party providers
Part 3
Our world renowned Hands-on training workshop has been moved to a live virtual workashop on-line until further notice due to COVID-19 Social Distancing Restrictions. Rather than having access to one instructor, two instructors will be hosting the workshop live, where you will learn everything you need to know from the safety of your own home.
£375 payable upon booking
Part 4
Self Assessment Coursework submissions including 6 months mentoring and guidance from an IPEN Instructor
Included in your Part 3 fee
Total Costs of IPEN Training Program £624 .00
Refresher Training for Pre2019 Learners
If you have previously trained with IPEN and would like to fresh your knowledge and receive all of IPEN's most up to date client care and business management documentation you can join one of our virtual refresher training workshops
This will also give you access to our facebook learners group, free directory listing and will mean you can attend further part 3 workshops to update your learning as and when you wish to do so.
£200.00 contact [email protected] to find out when the next workshop is running.
Certificates and Portfolios:
You will receive a Certificate of Completion after passing the Part 1 theory exam. You are then awarded the IPEN Client Care Portfolio upon completion of Part 3 and the IPEN Certificate of Course Completion upon completion of Part 4.
An updated IPEN Food Safety Portfolio (aka Food Safety Management System) will be made available to all new trainees on a 12 month licence along with the IPEN Client care portfolio, following completion of the part 3 workshop.
From January 2020 you will also receive 3 months free listing in the IPEN Specialists Directory, to help you on your way to securing your first client booking on completion of the part 3 workshop.
Should you wish to refresh your learning at anytime following your training you will be able to attend our hands on workshop again free of charge, you will just need to cover the cost of your PPE and refreshments on the day. This offer is extended to all students that trained with IPEN in 2019 onwards.
Meet our IPEN Instructors
IPEN certified placenta specialists in the UK can acquire public liability insurance through our associated group program with BGi.
UK Food Business Registration
If you plan on preparing placenta remedies for your clients in a kitchen or preparation facility outside of the mother's own home, you will need to register your business with your local authority. The Food Standards Agency provide thorough guidance to food business applicants on their website and we strongly advise you to read through their requirements. There may be penalties for those who operate food businesses without registering.
Food Safety - HACCP for UK
Combining efforts with 4 UK foods safety experts, 2 leading UK food safety microbiologists and Jena University Placenta Lab in Germany, IPEN has spent 2014-2016 perfecting the one and only professional Food Safety Management System (HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) for the safe preparation of human placenta for mothers after birth. UK food businesses must submit a functioning HACCP during registration with the local authority. IPEN certified placenta specialists can access and implement IPEN's HACCP into their working practice through a license after completing Part 3 of the IPEN program. If you have any concerns about food safety, infection control or registering as a food business, please get in touch.